The basic principle of a circulating chiller is that the temperature of a system or object is governed by the heat flow into it and the heat flow out of it. Circulating chillers are used to do low temperature experiment such as chemical, biological and physical experiment in low temperature. It is normally used for cooling: Evaporators (Rotary evaporator, Wiped Film Evaporator) Distillation Equipment ( Fractional Distillation, Wiped Film Distillation and Other Vacuum Distillation) Reactors (Glass and Stainless Reactors) Solvent Extraction Equipment ( Cooling Ethanol) Refrigeration Compressors And Other Key Parts Are Imported With High Quality And High Reliability And Efficiency Digital Setting And Display Of Temperature For Easy Operation Large Cooling Capacity And Fast Cooling Down Low Noise And StableConstant Running With Low Maintenance Rates